A Website is often a representation of a database. The database can be as simple as a list of names and addresses or a complex series of related databases. The beauty of using a database is that you can modify the database and update the information presented without changing the look and style of your website.
We have been integrating databases for all types of organizations since 1994, interfacing to all types of databases, such as Oracle, SQL Server, mySQL, as well as proprietary databases.
You can use a database to support an online store, an informational site, or any site where there is a volume of information that needs to be updated frequently and with ease.
A database is only useful if it can be easily and efficiently updated. Our databases can be updated remotely via administration web pages, via database client software or in bulk by uploading new files.
Let us create and enhance your presence on the web with database integration. Email us or give us a call at 415-412-6482.